Kids FIRST – Q1 2021 GIVE

For those of you that haven’t been following my blog, here’s what I’ve been up to! Each quarter, I donate a portion of every commission to a different non-profit. It has been an amazing experience getting to know various non-profits in our area and partnering with them. I’ve been able to do this for a couple years now, donating over $20,000 to local non-profits.
The mission and philosophy behind my GIVE to non-profits is to support health awareness and physical activity for youth in our community. My passion for youth wellness comes from 20+ years of coaching and continues to grow in partnership with various non-profits who support a similar mission. This last year, started pairing my client events with my GIVE. It has challenged me to GIVE even more and allowed me to bring more awareness to the non-profits I’m passionate about through education.
This quarter, I partnered with the Oregon Wine Lab togift my clients a bottle of wine and a real estate trivia game I created myself! For each family who participated, I donated an additional $10 to Kids FIRST. If you haven’t been to or tried the wine from the Oregon Wine Lab be sure you do! They are one of my favorite wineries and local tasting rooms here in Lane County. You’ll find Da-Nang food cart, covered outdoor seating, and they even deliver! Check them out here: Shout out to Mark, the wine maker/owner, for supporting this event and Kids FIRST!
Supporting kids this quarter took a foundational approach by supporting kids who have been victim of or witness to violent crime. Kids FIRST does just that! Their mission is: “to provide intervention and advocacy to children who are victims of, or witnesses to, crime. Children are referred to us directly by our community partners: law enforcement, DHS Child Welfare, and medical professionals. Kids FIRST most often serves children for child sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe neglect, or witness to domestic violence. Approximately 3/4 of the children we serve are under age 12.” Did you know not all child advocacy centers are accredited? Kids FIRST is and just went through the process to renew! They use their leadership and connections throughout the state to assist other organizations through the process to help serve even more kids.
Learn more about Kids FIRST here:
Get involved here:
Donate to Kids FIRST here:

Q4 of 2020 I partnered with KIDSPORTS. I have been impressed with how during the pandemic they were able to pivot and continue to offer as many services as possible to keep kids and folks moving. One of the services they offered was a PE class since kids didn’t have in person school. What a great idea! They have a new facility that has been able to offer more for everyone in our community including space for some adult league play.
A little more about them from their website: “KIDSPORTS is a private non-profit organization in Oregon that provides youth sports programs for pre-K through 12th graders in Eugene/Springfield and surrounding areas. KIDSPORTS teaches children and families the value of physical fitness, sportsmanship, practice and teamwork through sports and activities….All Kids Play is a cornerstone to our organization. Our programs are open to any child who is able to participate regardless of race, religion, creed, sex, ability or financial status.”
From their executive director, Bev Smith: “KIDSPORTS has been in our community for over 60 years providing youth sports programs to thousands of kids. Last year, 14,000 children participated in KIDSPORTS programs and we hope to continue to grow. As we discussed we will allocate funds to our General Federal Free Lunch scholarship and BIPOC scholarship.” Big shout out to Bev Smith for partnering with us on this!
This quarter I did a pie event with my clients. I partnered with the local pie company – Mom’s Pies – which are SOOO delicious. Shout out to Lou Sangermano, from Mom’s Pies, who was great to work with! Check them out at Market of Choice or Dairy Marts in our area. For every family that participated I committed to donate $10. In addition a couple of families also gave to KIDSPORTS. In total the donations ended up being $2500! Thank you to all my clients, business collaborators, and family for supporting KIDSPORTS in our community. The donation went to their scholarship fund to help more kids be able to participate. So excited!
If you are interested in learning more about KIDSPORTS click here.
Interested in signing your kid(s) up? Check out this page for information on sports and registration.
You can donate anytime! Click here to find out how.
You can coach or officiate too! Want to get involved? Click here to find out about coaching. Click here to find out about officiating.
FOOD for Lane County – Q3 2020 GIVE

Q3 of 2020 I partnered with FOOD for Lane County. This partnership felt particularly relevant this year between the pandemic and the local fires creating even more of a need in our community.
Their mission: “Reducing hunger by engaging our community to create access to food. We accomplish this by soliciting, collecting, rescuing, growing, preparing and packaging food for distribution through a network of 157 social service agencies and programs; through public awareness, education and community advocacy; and through programs designed to improve the ability of low-income individuals to maintain an adequate supply of wholesome, nutritious food. These programs include emergency food boxes, shelters, meal sites, rehabilitation facilities, nutrition education, gleaning and community gardens. We serve a diverse population of people living on limited incomes including children, families, seniors and single adults.”
While we still aren’t meeting in large groups there are still ways to help if you want to contribute to FOOD for Lane County. Whether you want to donate or volunteer, learn more or get help – click on the word that matches you best.
This quarter I did my first ever pizza night for my clients! I provided a dinner of pizza and a 2L drink of choice to ease the stress of the new school year and all that is going on in our world and to have some fun! Since we can’t get together, I thought this would be a fun way to help those I know.
In partnership with my clients I offered to add $10/family that participated in my pizza night to the GIVE to FOOD for Lane County. A couple of families decided to donate in addition to that. Wow! We were able to GIVE $2550 toward Food for Lane County and I am humbled and honored to help in this way. Thank you to my clients, industry partners, family and friends who are part of this success.
Learn more about Food for Lane County here:
Cascades Raptor Center – Q2 2020 GIVE

Q2 of 2020 I partnered with Cascades Raptor Center. They are a nature center and wildlife hospital. Their mission is: “Through wildlife rehabilitation and public education, the Cascades Raptor Center fosters a connection between people and birds of prey. Our goal is to help the human part of the natural community learn to value, understand, and honor the role of wildlife in preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the Pacific Northwest.”
While we find ourselves still unable to meet in large groups, they are open to public for small groups! Check out their website for more information:
This quarter I tried my first VIRTUAL client and GIVE event! Wow – it was better than I thought it would be. I partnered with Gail Newton, our clients, and Cascades Raptor Center to enjoy an evening learning more about this center and the birds. We had a tour of the new medical center, got to meet 4 of the birds and raised over $5000 (including my GIVE) for the center. We recorded it so you can watch the event – but we won’t have it up forever. Watch it now so you don’t miss out! WATCH EVENT BY CLICKING HERE
Enhancing Appreciation, Respect, and Stewardship through Public Education
The Nature Center’s goals are to enhance appreciation, respect and stewardship through public education.
Meet the birds here:
Want to visit?? Plan your visit here:
Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release
The Wildlife Hospital’s mantra is: rescue, rehabilitate, release.
Check out their wildlife hospital :
Becoming a member or donating are ways to help further their mission! If you are interested click on the word that fits you (member or donate).
Stay safe and Be well!! Gina
Eugene Science Center – Q1 2020 GIVE

Q1 2020 GIVE – Eugene Science Center
What an end to the first quarter of 2020! I don’t know that any of us could have predicted the pandemic and sheltering in place. I want to acknowledge that this has affected us all in so many ways. My heart goes out to everyone who has been directly affected by the virus itself. My heartfelt gratitude to the first responders that are working on the front lines to help us all! Every day I am a mix of grief and gratitude as I’m sure many of you are as well.
Before this all happened, I was able to have a client appreciation party at the Eugene Science Center. I wanted to offer a fun night for families as well as bring awareness to this amazing organization in our community. We enjoyed the main exhibition hall, a live planetarium show, a laser light show, some snacks and learned about some of the programs and expansion projects coming up for the Eugene Science Center. I was able to partner with you all in a very real way by matching donations on that night – and we raised $650 in total! Thank you for everyone that came to learn, to play and to support.
Once we are able to get out and about again – I encourage you to visit the Eugene Science Center. They have some pretty amazing shows, programs, and events! Check out their social media page as they are sharing some fun things to do at home during this time. If you are so inclined and able consider donating to help them survive. Be well everyone!
Learn more at their website:
One of my favorite things is the Planetarium:
Check them out on Facebook:
Donate here:
Emerald Aquatics – Q4 GIVE 2019

Emerald Aquatics – 4th Q GIVE 2019
I am excited to be partnering with Emerald Aquatics for my 4th Quarter GIVE of 2019! I started this GIVE journey over 2 years ago. In that time, I have had the privilege to learn from and partner with many non-profits in our area. Some of the non-profits I’ve learned about because of my clients. If you know of a non-profit that you work with let me know! To date I have been able to GIVE over $10,000! I am humbled and honored by this journey. If you are a client – know that you have been part of this too!
Emerald Aquatics is an organization that is near and dear to my heart. I have been a leader, coach and member for over 20 years. The skills, lessons and attributes taught go well beyond the sport of swimming. The friendships gained are often ones that last a lifetime! I am grateful to still be able to contribute to Emerald Aquatics in a meaningful way.
From their website:
Mission: To inspire and enable our members to achieve excellence in life and in the sport of swimming.
Vision for the Future: To provide a comprehensive program that will give all ages of competitive swimmers the opportunity to pursue their goals and learn new skills. Our goal is to develop a program that has child, parent, and grandparent on the team at the same time!
Philosophy: Every swimmer can be a winner. Winning is more than first place in a race. Winning is accomplishing something you have never achieved before. Winning is upholding our standard of Fun, Focus and F-ort (effort). Honor your Team, sport, and community.
If you are interested in swimming with this fun group or donating check out their website: They have swim groups starting at 5 years old, through High School, and even Adult groups! You can donate right on their home page.
Eugene Science Center – Q3 GIVE 2019

I’m excited to be partnering with the Science Center here in Eugene, OR for my 3rd Quarter GIVE of 2019. They are updating the Planetarium and I’ve taken the opportunity to contribute to this! So exciting to be part of these updates and renovations in our community. I have always loved hands on learning and exploring this amazing world we are a part of which made this partnership feel like a perfect fit.
From their webpage: “Eugene Science Center was founded in 1961 as the southwest branch of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). It was incorporated in 1977 as the Willamette Science & Technology Center (WISTEC), an independent 501(c)(3) corporation. The name “Science Factory” was adopted in 2002, and then changed to Eugene Science Center in 2018. We are the only science center in Lane and surrounding counties.”
Besides the Planetarium, Main Hall, Tot Spot, and Discovery Room did you know about these Programs they offer??
If you are interesting in helping click here to sponsor a Planetarium Seat as I did! You can also donate in a more general way here.
FOOD for Lane County – Q2 GIVE

It’s that time of year again to GIVE!
My 2nd Quarter GIVE this year is to FOOD for Lane County. I am honored to get to partner with them. Meeting with Karen and Stefani was such an honor and privilege. I learned so much about the services they offer and the need for donations (both financial and food) and volunteers. Click here for their “Learn More” page!
Also- check out this link for the Programs for Children. Their summer lunch program is awesome and helps kids all summer long.
I encourage you to check out their programs and learn more!
2nd Quarter GIVE

In case you haven’t been following – each quarter I donate 5% of my commissions to a different non-profit. I started this journey in 2018 and have LOVED this process of learning more about each non-profit and being able to contribute in a meaningful way. I am so grateful for my clients and my business associates that allow me to GIVE in such a big way. I hope that all of my clients feel they are part of this! My blog is to update people on the organizations I partner with so you can learn more as I have and learn how to get involved further.
2nd Quarter GIVE this year is FOOD for Lane County!
I am a total Foodie AND a health nut. This organization has a place in my heart by providing food and access to those in need from kids through seniors including whole food and healthy options! I was able to visit and get a tour earlier in May and learned a lot about the vast array of services they offer! I really had no idea their reach.
Here’s a little about them from their website: “FOOD for Lane County is a private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit food bank founded in 1984 and dedicated to eliminating hunger by creating access to food. We accomplish this by soliciting, collecting, rescuing, growing, preparing and packaging food for distribution through a network of 159 social service agencies and programs; through public awareness, education and community advocacy; and through pro grams designed to improve the ability of low-income individuals to maintain an adequate supply of wholesome, nutritious food. These programs include emergency food boxes, shelters, meal sites, rehabilitation facilities, nutrition education, gleaning and community gardens. We serve a diverse population of people living on limited incomes including children, families, seniors and single adults.”
Stay tuned as I’ll be volunteering with Windermere Real Estate/Lane County in June during our Community Service Day! We will be working in the Grass Roots Garden that is a program of FOOD for Lane County and grows fresh fruit and veggies for 4J, low income families and anyone that works in the garden. They also offer cooking classes. SO cool!
Interested in donating funds? Check out more info here.
Interested in volunteering? Check out more info here.
Greenhill Humane Society

Have you been following my Give campaign?
The first quarter of 2019 I partnered with Greenhill Humane Society. Interested in giving to them too? A fun way to support them is their annual “Bark in the Park” event!
5k and 10k events and a 2k walk. What a fun way to be active and support a good cause! Event is May 19th at Alton Baker Park.
Click here to get to their event website!