Giving April 16, 2020

Eugene Science Center – Q1 2020 GIVE

Q1 2020 GIVE – Eugene Science Center

What an end to the first quarter of 2020!  I don’t know that any of us could have predicted the pandemic and sheltering in place.  I want to acknowledge that this has affected us all in so many ways.  My heart goes out to everyone who has been directly affected by the virus itself.  My heartfelt gratitude to the first responders that are working on the front lines to help us all!  Every day I am a mix of grief and gratitude as I’m sure many of you are as well.

Before this all happened, I was able to have a client appreciation party at the Eugene Science Center.  I wanted to offer a fun night for families as well as bring awareness to this amazing organization in our community.  We enjoyed the main exhibition hall, a live planetarium show, a laser light show, some snacks and learned about some of the programs and expansion projects coming up for the Eugene Science Center.  I was able to partner with you all in a very real way by matching donations on that night – and we raised $650 in total!  Thank you for everyone that came to learn, to play and to support.

Once we are able to get out and about again – I encourage you to visit the Eugene Science Center.  They have some pretty amazing shows, programs, and events!  Check out their social media page as they are sharing some fun things to do at home during this time. If you are so inclined and able consider donating to help them survive.  Be well everyone!

Learn more at their website:

One of my favorite things is the Planetarium:

Check them out on Facebook:

Donate here: