Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
This is one of my favorite times of year. I love the Fall Season and the season of Gratitude. The Fall always reminds me of a fresh start. I think this comes from being a student and then a swim coach for so many years. Fall was the time of a new school year or a new swim year. Now it’s the time of year that I do my annual real estate reviews for my clients and my business planning for the next year. So much potential wrapped up into this season! Also, who can resist the beautiful leaves, crisp air and dare I say it – pumpkin spice?? I certainly can’t.
We all have so much to be grateful for each day. As I review the last year for myself I have so much for which to be thankful.
Grateful for a 22 year coaching career and all of the swimmers and families that I have had the pleasure to work with. You all have a special place in my heart always! I learned so much from each of my athletes and loved every single day as a coach and trainer.
Grateful for a new career (4 years!) as a Realtor with Windermere and all of the FUN and AMAZING people I am so blessed to work with everyday. From the offices here at Windermere to the clients that I get to serve – I am blessed to have you all in my life.
Wishing you all a holiday full of love and delicious food! Big hugs to you – Coach Gina
Energy Efficiency and EWEB programs

Just went to a class taught by EWEB (Eugene Water and Electric Board) on energy efficiency and programs they offer to home owners. Such a great class! It was such a good add on to my GREEN designation training. While some of the federal programs are going away and ever changing EWEB still has their rebate and 0%loans to help update your home.
Why does this matter to a HOMEOWNER? It helps to know what assistance programs are out there and energy audits are available to increase your current energy efficiency. Why? Your bills will go down! You’ll end up spending less to be more comfortable. Hooray!
Why does it matter to SELLERS? Did you know EWEB and other affiliates will do an energy audit on your home? They will give your home a score to be able to advertise to buyers how the home performs. This takes out the personal use bias that providing monthly statements include. Instead – the energy audits take into account the product and average use. Did you know homes sell faster with an energy audit – no matter the score?? Cool!
Why does it matter to a BUYERS? Knowing what assistant programs are out there will help you make an informed decision on what a home is worth and what to prioritize in your purchase. A home with energy updates is worth more because the work is already done and the monthly energy expense will be lower. Knowing about the assistance EWEB provides helps in budgeting when looking at homes that need energy updates. As we start to see more homes with energy audits in our area it will help bring clarity to a buyers understanding of homes that are on the market.
Whatever stage you are in – I’m happy to help!
Sept 18 – Theme of the Week
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
True friendships grow over time as people learn to depend on each other and learn they can count on a trust each other. Bruce Brown says: “Loyalty is the result of going through tough times and passing the test together.” It’s the recognizing that someone can be consistently counted on to give their best effort. Making the person choice to place the needs of another before your own is an important quality. As I learn and read about friendship and think about my own life I am struck by how amazing life is when you have friends to walk with you through the good times and the bad. They can provide support or even be a sounding board to get through it all. Friends make the good times and successes that much better by having someone to share the experience with. I am also struck by how being a good agent is the same as being a good friend. By being consistent, putting the needs of my clients ahead of my own, and walking with them through these life stages of buying or selling together.
“A real friend is one who helps us think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, and be our finest selves.” – Unknown
#1 Challenge this week: How can I be a good friend this week?
#2 Challenge: Notice others being good friends around you and let them know!
Theme of the Week Sept 11, 2017

Anyone want to guess this weeks’ theme?
This week we are working on TEAMWORK.
“The power of WE, is stronger than the power of me.” – Unknown
Why do you think Teamwork this week? What about this week makes this important? I can’t help but think about the fires in the Pacific Northwest, Montana and the Hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and Georgia. There is so much devastation and loss.
While on a phone call to order some t-shirts for the high school swim team this last week I was asked how I was doing and if I was near the fires and if there was anything he could do to help. I was so touched that they would ask – knowing that I was in Eugene – and to wonder how I was. I asked them where they are located and they say Texas. WOW! While they are in Dallas and not affected by the hurricane there – he had just been helping his brothers’ family who were living in Houston and lost everything. He said it was so great because everyone was ok. It was so great to see how people were pulling together to help each other out and support each other as they adapted to their “new normal”. I was touched that while his family was dealing with their own disaster he thought to ask about ours.
We need teamwork. Not just when playing sports – but in everyday life. Whether it’s getting through a natural disaster or simply having someone to walk part of your journey with you. We need each other. And perhaps, right now, more than ever.
“Great teams are made up of athletes who have given up their quest for individual glory, who have willingly and wholeheartedly accepted the character traits of a team player and who have fully committed themselves to the group effort.” Bruce Brown.
Karen – one of my teammates in life!
#1 challenge – how can you live/act/be teamwork this week? How can you give up your quest for individual glory in the pursuit of a better whole?
#2 challenge – notice those around you that exhibit this trait and let them know. Appreciate those around you that are team players.

A good friend recently told me: “Life gives us so many opportunities to celebrate and transitions are one of them.” Wow – I love this! What a great perspective on a time of life that can be stressful and unsettling but ultimately is exciting and should be celebrated.
I have recently decided to retire from coaching with Emerald Aquatics as Head Coach. I have been a coach with EA for 22 years. Wow! It has brought so much joy to my life and I am filled with so much gratitude. I have grown, learned, celebrated, and struggled with the many swimmers and their families. Being Coach Gina has been my identity for what feels like my whole life and the families have been my family – and always will be. I hold a special place in my heart for each and every one of my swimmers. Coach/athlete relationships are truly unique, trying, and fulfilling.
While all of this is true – it is also true that I am at the point in my life where it is time for a change. As hard and heart wrenching as the decision was (and is) it is the direction my life is going. I am excited to create space – space for me, my family, my friends and clients. Space to create and give in new ways.
I am blessed that the families and swimmers I coach now have helped to celebrate this transition with me. I am grateful for everyone that has helped support me and this coaching career – from coaches, swimmers, parents, partners, family, friends, and board members. Too many to name. I am grateful for their support, commitment to teaching life skills and the sport of swimming, and for their friendship.
I’m still Coach Gina. I will always be Coach Gina. I am now a coach in another arena – real estate. If I can walk this journey with you please don’t hesitate and let me know. Let’s do this together.
Do you know Roofs?
When I first pull up to a property I'm thinking how much I love my job. I am excited to see what the client thinks of the house and how it fits their needs. There's nothing like the light in someone's eyes as they decide it's the one for them.
You know what else I'm thinking when I pull up to a property or even just going around town? I'm noticing roofs! I find myself looking at clean, newer roofs, and thinking…"Damn! I could sell that roof!" It's interesting how your perspective changes when you help people buy and sell all year. There's something so sweet and attractive about a crisp, clean roof that doesn't need repairs or cleaning. It says: "I've been well maintained and I protect this whole house from our Oregon rain. If you think I look good you have GOT to see the inside."
There are so many things to do and maintain on and around a house. Let me know if I can help you find service providers to give you a hand! I know a lot and they are good at what they do. Don't let those roofs accumulate moss or get into disrepair as they protect everything underneath.
Home Love
Economic & Housing Forecast 2016
2016 Economic & Housing Forecast
The National Economic Forecast
1.The U.S. will continue to expand with real GDP growth of 2.3% in 2016.
Although a positive number, the forecasted rate of growth suggests that we will be modestly underperforming in 2016. On a positive note, oil prices are likely to remain well below long-term averages, which puts more money into consumers’ pockets in terms of disposable incomes. However, I believe that consumers are likely to continue to save rather than spend which will constrain growth. That said, there is certainly no recession on the horizon – at least not yet – and a strong dollar will act as a bit of an anchor.
2.Employment will continue to expand but the rate of growth will slow. Look for an increase of 1.6% in 2016.
We are rapidly approaching full employment (generally considered to be when the unemployment rate drops below 5 percent). As such, growth in employment has to be driven more by population growth rather than a return to employment. 2015 saw an average of around 210,000 jobs created per month and I believe that this is likely to slow to an average monthly gain of 190,000 new jobs.
3.The U.S. unemployment rate will continue to drop and end 2016 at 4.8%.
As mentioned above, we are heading toward full employment and, as such, the national unemployment rate cannot trend much lower. That said, the less acknowledged U-6 rate (which includes those working part-time and those marginally attached to the workforce) will remain elevated at around 8%, signifying that there is still some slack in the economy and room for the rate to drop a little further.
4.Inflation will remain in check with the Consumer Price Index at 1.9%.
The Federal Reserve has begun the long-awaited tightening of monetary policy and we will likely see the Fed Funds Rate continue to move higher over the next two years. Inflation has yet to respond to the low unemployment rate, but it will.
The core rate of inflation should remain in check and the overall rate could stay below long-term averages as a function of stubbornly low energy costs. Should we see a shift in OPEC’s position relative to oil supply, the overall rate of inflation could rise more rapidly. Oil prices, therefore, will remain in focus during 2016.
The National Housing Market Forecast
5.Mortgage rates will rise, but we will still end 2016 with the average 30-year fixed rate below 5%.
I am taking the Fed at its word when it says that monetary tightening in 2016 will be gradual and heavily data dependent. Accordingly, I expect only a modest uptick in long-term rates in 2016. Furthermore, as long as the Federal Reserve continues to reinvest the dividends that it is receiving from their bond holdings – which is highly likely – the yield on the key 10-year treasury will remain low and hold mortgage rates in check. This is only likely to change after the general election, therefore suggesting that rates will remain very attractive relative to their long-term averages.
6.Credit Quality – which had been remarkably stringent – will relax a little.
Access to credit, specifically mortgage instruments, has not been easy for many would-be homebuyers but that is set to change. I believe that we will see some improvement, specifically for borrowers with “near-prime” credit. This will be of some assistance to first-time buyers; however, credit quality will still be higher than it needs to be.
7.Existing home sales will rise modestly to an annual rate of 5.53 million units with existing home prices up by 4.7%.
I anticipate that we will see some improvement in overall transactional velocities in 2016, but unfortunately, demand will still exceed supply. Prices will continue to rise, but at a more constrained pace than seen over the past few years. This will be a function of modestly rising interest rates as well as slightly improving levels of inventory. I anticipate that we will see more listings come online as more households return to positions of positive equity in their homes.
8.New home sales will jump and be one of the biggest stories for 2016. Look for a 23% increase in sales and prices rising by 3.4%.
I believe that builders will start to build to the entry-level buyer, filling a huge void. Additionally, I see the total number of new home starts increase quite dramatically in 2016 as banks start to ease lending and builders start to believe that the downward trend in homeownership has come to an end. This will help to absorb some of the pent-up demand currently in the market.
9.Foreclosures will continue to trend down to “pre-bubble” averages.
Any story regarding foreclosures will be a non-story as the rate will continue to trend down toward historic averages. However, we will see the occasional uptick as banks work their way through their existing inventory of foreclosed homes. Move along. There’s nothing to see here.
10.The Millennials will start to enter the market.
There are several substantial reasons to expect an increase in Millennial buyers. Firstly, early Millennials are getting older and starting to settle down, and even with modestly higher mortgage rates, rents are likely to continue to trend upward, and this will pull many into homeownership.
Secondly, more favorable mortgage insurance premiums, additional supply from downsizing boomers, and growing confidence in the housing market will lead to palpable growth in demand from this important – and substantial – demographic.
To conclude, it appears to me that 2016 will be a year of few surprises – at least until the general election! Because it is an election year, I do not expect to see any significant governmental moves that would have major impacts on the U.S. economy or the housing market.
Matthew Gardner is the Chief Economist for Windermere Real Estate, specializing in residential market analysis, commercial/industrial market analysis, financial analysis, and land use and regional economics. He is the former Principal of Gardner Economics, and has over 25 years of professional experience both in the U.S. and U.K.
Emerald Aquatics Lap-a-thon

Sunday, February 21 was our annual Emerald Aquatics lap-a-thon. Last year I decided to swim and raise money for the team I coach. I did it again this year. Money raised goes to keep dues reasonable but, more importantly to me, it funds our scholarship program. We've never had to turn a kid away that couldn't afford to pay.
Swimming definitely brings out the best in me – the joyful and playful side. 🙂
I ended up beating my goal of 100 laps and swam 120 laps (3000 meters) in 1 hour. I had two per lap sponsors which I'm sure motivated me to swim more than I would have otherwise! All of my other sponsors were a flat rate. Thank YOU to each and every one of my sponsors! Here's Lottie – one of my high schoolers – who volunteered to be my counter. Thank you, Lottie!
It's not too late!! You can still donate to this wonderful organization at: www.emeraldaquatics.org. Your donation is tax deductible since EA is a 501c3. Click on donate, and you can even pick me as who you sponsor. My personal goal is to raise $2000. Currently I have raised $1300. We can still get donors through March 31, 2016.
Thank you for your sponsorship! We are Grateful!
Market Trends 2015-2016
Check out what is happening in the market!
If you are interested in what is going on in your neighborhood give me a call! I'm happy to help. 541-513-5299
This chart shows East Eugene from $300,000 – $500,000 range. Notice how our winter this year has been so much more active in terms of pending and solds than this time last year. Inventory is low AND there is a high buyer demand.
Check out this chart of Springfield form $200,000 – $300,000. There are months where the sold is higher than the for sales! Notice how the pending in January of this year is the same as the solds! Whew! It's a hopping and a shakin!
If you are intersted to know what is happening in your market and your price range contact me! I'd be happy to help! 541-513-5299.
What does this mean for you? With inventory low and interest rates still LOW it's a great time to sell. Less competition and great demand right now. What about buying? It's a great time to buy with interest rates LOW! Be prepared for multiple offer situations and moving quickly. It's important to be preapproved before you start looking.
I can help connect you with an excellent lender in town! Let me know how I can help :).
New Roosevelt Middle School Building
Feels like Spring here in Eugene! Have you seen the new Roosevelt Middle School Building?
This is the front. It is really coming along! I like the style of the building with the mix of brick and modern touches. Looks like solar panels on the back. I took these pictures on my walk today. Looks really overcast but it was actually fairly warm and I even wore sunglasses! Feels like Spring!
Look how green the grass is!! Feels like Spring :).
Can you see the roof? I believe there are solar panels on there. Cool design! Can't wait to see the finished product.